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We have done several work with Jabatan Imigreen Malaysia;


1) We were involve in proposing a National Border Control Solution, which enables capturing of a multi model biometric capture to improve the robustness and efficiency of imigration department in capturing border control transaction and surveillance is involve with the monitoring the movement of foreign visitors. The state of the art technology will improve the efficiency of imigration department in monitoring entry and exit of imigrants into the country and to ensure efficient tracking of illegal imigrants that remain in the country.


b) We have also propose to them Detension Centre System that will enable Imigration Department to handle the registration, processing and deportation of illegal imigrants more effectively. The system will enable Imigration Department to effectively catagorise the severity of the illigal imigrant and to implement mutiple programs to accomodate their needs and requirements. This will lessen the burden at the detension centres and will enable efficient processing to either redeploy or to be deported back to home country.

c) We were also involve in supplying and maintaining BMC Performance Software components to the Mainframe at their Data Centre.  

d) We were also involved in the relocation exercise of the Data Recovery Centre.

Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia

Customer Name: Testimonials
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